Thursday, November 12, 2015

Muslims Try to Burn Christians Alive for 'Witchcraft'

The Islamic State holds Christians in cages before burning them alive. Another Muslim mob attacked Christians and tried to burn them alive recently. (YouTube)

Christian families narrowly escaped with their lives when a group of Muslims set their houses on fire, according to reports. 
"For more than a year, Muslim youths from a neighboring village accused us of practicing witchcraft and told us to leave the village. They abused us in public and threw bricks at our houses," victim Ramni Das tells UCA News. "They wanted to kill us by burning us alive, but we managed to escape. We have lost everything."
The attack occurred Nov. 5 in Kamarpara in the Panchagarh district of Bangladesh. 

Despite the differing religions, some Muslims are shocked at the attacks against the families. 

"Personally, I know the victims to be good people. For the past year, I have tried to calm the situation and have publically said the witchcraft accusations were false, but I didn't think things would reach such an extreme," the chairman of a local government body says. 

Disturbingly, these Bangladesh families are far from the first to endure such torture. 

In 2014, seven Christians—mostly elderly—were burned alive or hacked to death in Tanzania. 

"'They were attacked and burnt to death by a mob of villagers who accused them of engaging in witchcraft,' the police chief for the western Kigoma region, which borders Burundi, Jafari Mohamed, told Agence France-Presse. ... Among those arrested on suspicion of carrying out the killings was the local traditional healer, or witchdoctor," Discovery News reports.

These Muslims are evil. They are religious but not God-fearing. May God save us from boko-haram, ISIS and other related groups. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee


  1. hian .. God help us..

  2. Amen to your prayers. Muslim fanatics has committed much atrocities than can be imagined. Wickedness and heartless to the core.


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