Sunday, December 20, 2015

Photos: Bomb found inside a Catholic Church in Kenya, device set to be denotated by experts

A mass service was cut short this morning at Our Lady of Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Kirinyaga, Kenya, after an explosive was found on one of the pews.

A worshipper, Mr Richard Kanyuiro, said he and his two friends saw the explosive device as they were giving their offerings and thought it was a toy.

Bomb experts from Nyeri and Embu counties have detonated the explosive device that was found inside the Kutus Catholic Church in Kirinyaga County during Sunday service.
Area chairman of Catholic Men Association, Mr Paul Njeru, said it was likely that the bomb was planted very early in the morning by unknown terrorists.The local priest Father Njenga said it was by the grace of God that the bomb did not explode as the service was going on.


  1. Replies
    1. Hello Nadush, thanks for stopping by. I will follow it

      Stay blessed!

  2. Thank God for the quick discovery

  3. Haa God pass them.

  4. God will always be mindful of His covenant with His people.

  5. God will always expose the evil doers..


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