Saturday, November 14, 2015

Prophet TB Joshua Claims He Predicted the Paris Terrorist Attack

According to Telegraph, at least 127 people have been killed in seven separate attacks across Paris, including 82 during a hostage situation at Bataclan, a music venue.

Popular Lagos prophet, T.B Joshua says sometime in January 2013, he prophesied about the terror attack which happened in Paris yesterday November 13th. He said this in a post on his Facebook wall. Watch the video where he prophesied about the France attack after the cut...

We pray for the families and loved  ones of all those affected by this tragedy in the nation of France. May God strengthen and comfort them in Jesus name.


  1. TB Joshua is always predicting things that will happen but only after it happened. I will prefer if the man of God will predict and make it public so the whole world and those concerned should take precautions before it actually happen.

    1. Yayyyy! I support Miriam on this

  2. Medicine after death


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