Wednesday, June 29, 2016

New Michigan Church Lets People Smoke Weed During Sunday Service

On Sunday (Jun 26), the First Cannabis Church of Logic & Reason in Lansing, Michigan held it’s first service where churchgoers are allowed to smoke marijuana during service.

Jeremy Hall, the founding minister of the church had this to say about this innovative new way of getting high while worshipping. He said,

What I’m hoping to accomplish in the long run is to provide a place where people can be spiritual, but can also feel safe to take any of their medication

The 34-year-old who leads the service, told the Lansing State Journal,

If they also feel cannabis is part of their spirituality, they can combine the two in a safe environment.

Hall also said that the non-denominational church is “the first of its kind” in Michigan.
Hall feels marijuana can be part of a “religious experience,” of sorts. Saying,

It can help people in pain and create a sense of belonging. You are consuming something that is breaking down all these preconceived notions and barriers and provides an outpouring of love.

Some in attendance smoked or ingested marijuana beforehand, while others looked on sober

1 comment:

  1. nawa oo! was this provided for in the bible? this is sign of end time


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